We are a bunch of experienced individuals with expertise in Mobile apps, Web Development, Enterprise solution, Remote Staffing, Hosting, and Consulting. Our core team comprises seasoned veterans who have worked with some of the biggest names in the field. Microknots have helped many companies identify their pain-points and provided solutions to circumnavigate. However, we do realize that small, mid-level, and newly started operations also need our help. We understand the myriad issues faced by newly started establishments and are cognizant of their every problem.

Microknots aim to not just provide one-time solutions to our clients, but to serve as partners who would be with them every step of the way, trouble-shooting every minor and major problem and providing consultations as to how to design their business strategies in the most effective way.

We understand that all of this depends on trust and we are one hundred percent dedicated to the same; our strategy- to give our best, talent, expertise, and experience….