Magnify 360 Hi-Tech Solutions is Business consulting, IT & service organizations currently providing IT solutions to organizations empowering them to achieve their goals. We have expertise and provide services ranging from management consulting, application development & deployment, SAP implementation, support and deployment. The core services provided are ·Enterprise Solutions for ERP software by SAP ·Applications Development for custom needs ·SAP implementation and Development in Specialized Engineering Support We have a team of highly skilled resources in SAP, R/3. SAB, BI& SAP S4HANA. We are based in Nagpur. We at Magnify360 are here to strive harder for our clients to become more successful in every part of their business right from strategic planning to routine day-to day operations Our organization is promoted by a group of senior IT and Management executives with years of rich and varied experience for synergising the technical experience and core values which form the very basis of our existence We Stand for / We owe our existence to (instd of key promise) / We cherish 1.Customer Satisfaction of highest order 2.Quality of deliverables 3.Professionalism 4.Dignity of Individual