Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Employers

FAQ for Employers

A: is a unique, simple (plug & play) Job portal specific to Information Technology for job seekers and employers with integrated iTATSsm- Talent Acquisition Tracking System.

A: is a unique, simple (plug & play) Job portal specific to Information Technology for job seekers and employers with integrated iTATSsm- Talent Acquisition Tracking SystemiTATSsm is a web based enterprise-wide candidate tracking system..

A: Key features of iTATSsm are tracking of candidates, simple functionality to move resumes from the job board to your company's iTATSsm, add notes, recruiters' portal and many other excellent features.

A: Please contact

A: PTo protect privacy, eliminate fraud, non-abuse of the system etc, access will be given only to legitimate business E-mail accounts.

A: A Job Ad is valid for 30 days. After 30 days you need to refresh the Job Ad to ensure its relevance.

A: Even if single recruiter has 10 Jobs to fill in 24 hours, it’s too many – you need help!

A: Companies can post unlimited Internal and Confidential Job Ads at no extra cost and they all will be seen in their iTATSsm system but not on portal. These Job Ads will be valid only for 30 days.

A: Absolutely. Please contact our team member or e-mail

A: We have implemented ‘Tag’ based search technology for ‘bulls eye" search.

A: We have not provided ‘job cart’ to candidates, thus they just cannot mass e-mail and apply to job posts without understanding the requirements of the job. They have to individually apply to Job Ads which indicates quality and serious job seekers.

A: No, a candidate can only apply once for a given Job Ad.

A: Absolutely, save as many as you can.

A: Yes, once you have saved a template its only one click!

FAQs for Job Seekers

FAQs for Job Seekers

A: To make your resume accessible to global employers, Information Technology specific job portal and unique tracking system –iPACTSsm.

A: Firstly is IT specific Job Portal, so your resume does not get burried by non IT resumes. Secondly, our ‘Tag’ based search technology ensures employers find your resume easily.

A: Many large job portals do not give resume access to other regions and employers have to spend large amounts to have multiple regions access. Our portal gives your resume a global access, which will maximize your chances of finding good jobs.

A: Click on the link 'Forgot Password?' present on the home page and enter your E-mail ID used while registration. Password will be sent to this E-mail ID only