Job Description /span /b /span /span /span /span /p ul li style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; span style background white span style line-height normal span style color black 10+ years of experience on Data Engineering Technologies /span /span /span /span /span /li li style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; span style background white span style line-height normal span style color black Hands-on Experience in SQL and big query is mandatory. /span /span /span /span /span /li li style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; span style background white span style line-height normal span style color black Well versed experience working with Google Data Products e.g. BigQuery, Dataflow, Cloud Composer, GCS etc. /span /span /span /span /span /li /ul p class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 48px /p
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science