
Roles and Resposibilities

  • In-depth knowledge of Node.js and Web APIs
  • Hands-on experience with MongoDB
  • Work as part of a team developing applications and services using Agile development methods
  • Contribute to team and organizational improvements in process and infrastructure Node.js Developer knowledge requirements
  • Applicable knowledge of amazon services such as lambda, s3 bucket, CloudFront, and elastic transcoder
  • Experience with the AWS-SDK for NodeJS
  • Applicable knowledge in creating microservices using AWS lambda
  • Familiarity in Socket/IO using NodeJS
  • Strong analytical skills and problem-solving aptitude
  • Should be familiar with any error logging tools like Santry and Loggly.


  • NodeJS
  • Mongodb
  • AWS
  • Socketio
  • Lambda, s3 bucket, CloudFront, and elastic transcoder
  • Santry or Loggly
  • Agile development methods


Any Graduate