Job Description /b /span /span /p p class MsoNoSpacing span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; b Skills /b /span /span /p ul li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Programming Languages Frameworks Java SpringBoot /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; J2EE Technologies EJB Hibernate JPA /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Cloud Services Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Containers Docker /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Container Services Elastic Container Service ECS Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Code Repositories GitHub CVS /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Web API Restful Web Services /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Relational Database Technologies MySQL MS Access PostGreSQL /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Reference Implementations JAX RS Jersey JAXB 10 IDE Eclipse IntelliJ Microsoft Visual Studio /span /span /li /ul p class MsoNoSpacing span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; b Responsibilities /b /span /span /p ul li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Modernization of the legacy monolith applications and containerization of the components using Docker and deployment in Kubernetes using Helm charts /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; CI CD implementation using Jenkins GitHub and GitActions /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Requirements gathering and understanding scope of upcoming projects enhancements by conferring with Media Production Team client’s managers and business analysts /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Work closely with Media Engineers understanding requirements and problems for new file conversion formats enhancement in existing transcoding profiles verify output quality errors and then find appropriate encoding decoding tools which can be used to achieve the desired result /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Research and Analysis of media transcoding tools like ImageMagick FFMpeg SoX Lame Rhozet Carbon Encoder and Vantage to find out supported formats output quality and automation procedures /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Maintenance of traditional transcoding firm tools and software’s which involves periodic version updates security patches operating system patches and license upgrades followed by complete unit testing of relevant transcoding tool. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Enhancement of AWS Cloud Amazon Web Services based conversion firm designed to auto scale the system depending on conversions volume This requires constant monitoring via cloud based services like cloud watch and data dog /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Work closely with the architect and develop REST based web services for several downstream applications which integrates with core Asset Management System These web services are designed to be fault tolerant using micro transactions and circuit breakers for cascaded failure scenarios /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Production deployment providing support during OS patching and monitoring of multiple instances of conversion firms which are set up both in traditional data center Arvato and AWS Release Management which involves branch cut stage deployments and coordinated Production Releases. /span /span /li /ul
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science