Know how to manage Oracle database on AWS RDS instance
Be familiar with Oracle session wait events and be able to use the information from the wait event to find the cause of the performance issue.
Identify system bottlenecks - CPU, IO, Memory, Network or processes.
Be able to generate and interpret Oracle tuning tools - AWR, ASH, V$ views, SQL tracing and real-time monitoring
Be able to understand the logic of SQL code and provide recommendations for improving their performance– Indexes, hints, table reorg, index rebuilt, etc.
Know how to get information on the execution history of SQL queries in the database and analyze the performance of past and current executions – change of execution plan, stale statistics, data growth, etc.
Be familiar with Table partitioning and stats collection on partitioned tables, archiving old data from partitioned and non-partitioned tables.
Has experience with Oracle Golden Gate (GG) configuration, how to resync GG replicated tables and troubleshoot replication issues casing sync issues