Job Description /b /span /span /p ul li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Candidate must have at least 12+ years of overall ServiceNow experience /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Hands-on design, development and deployment experience with the Service-now platform /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; ServiceNow implementation experience in ITSM modules Incident, Problem, Change, CMDB & Asset Experience in Integrations with 3rd party tools using web services, SOAP / REST, email, DB connector, plugins etc. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Candidate must have 4+ years of ServiceNow CMDB & Discovery experience /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Good knowledge of CMDB / CSDM data model /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; well versed with ServiceNow scripting, creation of custom patterns /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Good understanding of servicenow customization & custom development of forms, fields and workflow etc. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Experience in resolving Discovery issues & coordinating with various infra teams /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Must have good communication skills /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Must have team handling experience /span /span /li /ul
Bachelor's degree
USD I’m 0 -0