Job Description /b /span /span /p ul li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; In this role the PMP Puppet application architect is responsible to /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Analyse the PMP puppet application and AWS Secrets manager to draft a feasibility report to automatically synch up the secrets between Password Manager Pro PMP and AWS Secrets manager. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Design a solution to implement the automation of retrieving passwords from AWS Secrets Manager to PMP using puppet application. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; To comply with security standards the provided solution should not have any human intervention in copying passwords to PMP. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Collaborate with migration application and security teams to present the analysis document and the solution to get approvals for implementation. /span /span /li /ul p class MsoNoSpacing span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; b Skills /b /span /span /p ul li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Experience in Password Manager Pro software functionality. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Experience in using puppet application along with PMP. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Experience in AWS Secrets Manager functionality. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Able to deal with diverse set of stakeholders. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 8px span style font-size 12px; span style font-family Georgia,serif; Proficient in articulation communication and presentation. /span /span /li /ul
Bachelor's degree