Job Description /b /span /span /p ul li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Experience of React JS, Redux and other react eco system libraries such as react-Dom, react-jss, etc. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Experience in developing micro frontends. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Strong JavaScript fundamentals including OOJS concepts, /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif CSS and Preprocessors SCSS /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Good understanding of build systems such as webpack, vite. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Trouble shooting complex issues. have very good understanding of browser dev tools. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Strong knowledge of react and redux dev tools. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Developing reusable components and publishing them as library for cross app consumption. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Good understanding of Azure cloud including services app insights, app services, AD, Functions /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Decent knowledge of .net technologies to implement APIs and deploy them in azure cloud. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Basic knowledge in micro services and its tool set such as monitoring tools, logging, create reusable nuget packages. /span /span /li li class MsoNoSpacing style margin-left 32px span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif Should have worked on Agile SAFe based projects /span /span /li /ul p class MsoNoSpacing span style font-size 11pt span style font-family Calibri,sans-serif b Mandatory Skills /b UI, React, .Net and Azure /span /span /p p class MsoNoSpacing /p p class MsoNoSpacing /p
Bachelor's degree