


  • Resources needed to evaluate, design and create a prototype to automate various use cases which require implementation of AIML capability. This would cover some of the automation use cases in various operational areas.
  • AIML/Python/Spark are the skillsets required to do this work.


The Scope Of This Project Includes Setting Up a Cloud-based Sandbox For Proof-of-concept And Demonstrate Capability Using The Below Use Cases


  • Chatbot Automation
  • Integration of audio recordings/ call summarizations
  • Internal generative AI model


Resources will follow the implementation of the initiatives using the Agile Methodology set by WF. A cloud-based sandbox will be provisioned to accommodate proof-of-concept use cases.

Sandbox to be hosted on either Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS public cloud with the below configuration:


  • Azure – 1x ND96amsr A100 v4
  • AWS - 1x p4d.24xlarge


Any Graduate