
Capacity growth, capacity planning – drive cost efficiency and optimization

Efficiency engineering – building all the tooling, across forecasting & planning, capacity management, strategic initiatives with finance. Both teams are under platform engineering org

50% of the job would be to present the latest plans, recommendations to the leadership

Challenges in consumption, efficiencies, creating a model and reviewing with the engineering managers. Implementing forecast adjustments, planning process that exists today

Right now the Consumption attribution system exists, no need to build a new one. SME’s will provide hand off. This organization doesn’t exist today

Top 3 Skills Needed

Understanding experience and time series forecasting compute resourcing over time

Managed service tech stack, common patterns, common challenges, solving a consumption based problem

Growth modeling high level – application of growth models, understanding resource types, system models optimization over time

Building data pipelines, data sets

Soft skills – communication, interpersonal skills, learn and challenge the managed services managers, what all tech offerings are, where the designs may not be thought of correctly

BI tools – tableau – not mandatory, but nice to have

SQL, Apache Spark (data is in HIVE query)

Similar Roles in the Marke t: Looks for Infra Cloud planner for Cloud service providers such as GCP, and within SaaS companies such as Databricks and Snowflake ; Demand Planner role for Compute infrastructure

Key Skills
