
Participate in all stages of Software Develop Life Cycle (SDLC) including requirements gathering, system Analysis, system development, until testing and performance testing.
Implement Controller layer, Service layer, Data Access Object layer using Java EE framework.
Leverage Annotation-based Context Dependency Injection by Weld to facilitate dependency injection.
Use Maven as build automation tool to manage dependencies and project level management including build, install and test.
Design and implement RESTful web services within Jersey framework to get JSON Object and deploy on servlet containers Grizzly.
Perform unit test and integration test using Junit, Mockito, interact with QA team to determine functional specification and test cases.
Involve in daily SCRUM Meetings and weekly SPRINT Meetings.
Use Agile methodologies during the complete project life cycle, work on issue tracking tool JIRA.
Use GIT for Source Control and Version Management of codes and resources


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