
Responsibilities & Skills Required: (Hybrid 3 days)


  • Objective-C, Swift 5.5, and C++ as required by Apple frameworks
  • Broad iOS API experience, including but not limited to:
  • Local Authentication, WebKit, Networking
  • Deep knowledge of iOS programming concepts, including but not limited to:
  • Threading, Crash Analysis, Swizzling
  • JavaScript programming using Node, and Hybrid App debugging via Safari
  • Git submodules
  • NPM package publishing
  • Cordova command line tools
  • The latest Xcode, xcodebuild, application loader, and iOSY our day-to-day may include some of these tasks:
  • Create and maintain custom Cordova plugins, including hooks
  • Perform annual maintenance on the codebase and automated build scripts to keep pace with changes to iOS and Xcode
  • Maintain certificates and signing, including certificate pinning, provisioning profiles, and push notification certificates
  • -Monitor production feedback, crash reports, and analytics and address issues
  • Work with infrastructure teams to address proxy, software and administrative privilege issues that impact iOS development or build processes.
  • Train web application developers how to build and debug a hybrid app This is a full-time position and is expected to be at least one year in duration. The candidate must work on-site, as device debugging via USB will be required. Vacation policy is flexible with advance notice.


Additional Required Skills:

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • BA/BS in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent practical experience.


Additional Desired Skills

  • Experience developing APIs.
  • Experience with Android app development.
  • Strong user experience skills.


Any Graduate