
Job Description:

  • As a .NET Full Stack developer, you’ll need a versatile skill set to handle both front-end and back-end development. Let’s explore the essential skills for this role:
  • HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language is fundamental for creating web pages. It’s simple to learn and allows you to structure content using tags1.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets add visual appeal to HTML elements. With CSS, you can style your website, making it look and feel good1.
  • Bootstrap: This framework provides HTML and CSS-based design templates, streamlining website and web page design1.
  • JavaScript: As an object-oriented scripting language, JavaScript is crucial for client-side interactions (DOM) in web applications. It handles validation processes and user interactions1.
  • jQuery: A collection of JavaScript library functions, jQuery simplifies client-side scripting of HTML. It enhances interactivity and attractiveness on websites1.
  • C# (in .NET): C# is the backbone of .NET development. It’s where logical operations take place, making it essential for building robust applications1.
  • .NET Core: Familiarity with .NET Core, an open-source framework, is vital. It enables cross-platform development and supports modern web applications2.
  • Database Skills: Understanding databases (such as SQL Server) is crucial for storing and retrieving data in your applications1.
  • AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML allow seamless data exchange between the client and server without page reloads1.
  • Angular: A popular front-end framework, Angular simplifies building dynamic web applications1.


Skills: ".NET" AND ETL AND SQL AND HTML AND "C#" AND JavaScript AND Ajax AND jQuery


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