

Perform a mix of maintenance, enhancements, and new development as required
Work in a data analyst role and with business intelligence applications
Document features, technical specifications & infrastructure Responsibilities
Work cross-functionally to convert business needs into technical specifications


2+ years' of experience in web development and software design
Strong knowledge of PHP web frameworks {{such as Laravel, Yii, Core PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL, Laravel, and WordPress. etc. depending on your technology stack}}
· Knowledge of object-oriented PHP programming
· Understanding accessibility and security compliance {{Depending on the specific project}}

· Strong knowledge of the common PHP or web server exploits and their solutions
· Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application
· User authentication and authorization between multiple systems, servers, and environments
· Integration of multiple data sources and databases into one system
· Familiarity with the limitations of PHP as a platform and its workarounds
· Creating database schemas that represent and support business processes
· Familiarity with SQL/MYSQL databases and their declarative query languages
· Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git.
· {{Make sure to mention other frameworks, libraries, or any other technology related to your development stack}}

· {{List education level or certification you require}}

Key Skills

Any Graduate