

Answer the EMU ACD phone line in a courteous and professional manner in order to address the caller's issues, update critical employee data, update company data, provide lump sum totals, and provide support to the caller by delivering quality customer service

Respond to the emails and faxes for the EMU helpdesk practicing proper email etiquette

Research the ISETS data base, resource programs, and the internet to update employer information in addition to sending letters, making phone calls, sending e-mails, etc. to the employer to obtain the necessary data needed and/or verify the data

Work with the county prosecutor staff in responding to their requests to add/update employer information

Provide training to employers and county caseworkers on policy and procedures

Work reports to identify employers, change addresses for employers and participants, or update critical employee data

Work data clean-up reports to ensure employer data reliability

Some moderately complex clerical, secretarial and customer service functions. This work requires attention to detail and understanding of the impact the work performed has to the agency. The employee must work independently and provide excellent customer service.
