

Provides expert understanding and ability in assisting brokers, potential members and existing members in the sale of Individual Plans and products. Works with Enrollment and Billing Departments throughout the sales and renewal process to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Job Essentials

Trains and assists brokers with the sale of Individual Plan and Small Employer products. This includes the explanation of plans, products, rates and all available options

Assists and educates potential and existing members in choosing the most appropriate insurance plan. This includes making educated decisions on plan types and options, both on Marketplace and off

Attends various sales events. Will speak and interact directly with brokers, customers and members of other departments in a professional manner

Along with handling a specific book of business, assists with other Representatives' books of business as needed. This includes corresponding accurately and understandably to customers and brokers in a professional and confidential manner in accordance with HIPAA and internal compliance guidelines

Stays updated on changes in legislation, health care reform and how these changes affect the Individual and Small Employer Plan Market. Assists brokers and individual plan applicants with this information and how it affects individual plans

Inputs data and updates the sales automation system as necessary, ensuring information is accurate and timely

Maintains a monthly average phone audit score of 93.5%


Key Skills