

  • They create Visualforce pages, a framework based on employee or customer requirements.
  • They test Salesforce Automation using Software like Selenium or UFT Testing Platform.
  • They conduct analysis, develop strategies and execute test cases through function maps.
  • This can be manual or automated.
  • They increase the integration of the Salesforce Application Programming Interface (API) with the existing data.
  • The API techniques are combined to ensure useful communication between the two systems.
  • They fix bugs with the aid of a Salesforce Admin.
  • They test the outcome with a staging Sandbox before submitting it.
  • They perform ongoing documentation throughout the development process.
  • They constantly communicate with Salesforce administrators to prepare themselves for customer dealings or support issues.
  • They send product updates, specify product issues and execute integrations to meet customers’ needs.
  • They place data from Sandbox to production and validate the codes.
  • They also perform equal partitioning and boundary analysis.
  • They participate in user story mapping, sprint planning, estimation, and feature walk-throughs.
  • They examine results and track issues by conducting user acceptance testing.
  • They make daily progress reports and implement solutions and pending issues.
  • They have demonstrated expertise in Software like Agile or Scrum frameworks for defect identification, impact analysis and regression testing.
  • Salesforce testers have to test or applications.
  • The other functions of a Salesforce tester include testing



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