

Responsibilities and experience 

  1. Understanding and articulating clearly how services need to change from a user-centred, system, and business perspective  
  2. Plan and execute system mapping, customer journeys, scenarios and service specifications of users and defining how and what organizations need to so that they deliver services more effectively 
  3. Working closely with user researchers to define and communicate people’s needs   
  4. Work closely with researchers, visual and user experience designers contributing to the improvement of the design quality and final user experience. 
  5. Collaborate with product owners and leaders to drive product strategy and the development roadmap 
  6. Identifying how organisations can reduce cost of delivery and improve outcomes through re-design of user experience, business processes, and better collaboration across systems  
  7. Setting future visions for products and services that inspire and meet the needs of customers 
  8. Designing, building, and setting usability tests for service and product prototypes, working from sketches into quick prototypes that can be iterated with feedback  
  9. Being critical during the design process of the balance of power in service structures and challenging how people can be empowered and supported to thrive in their environment 
  10. Designing with technologists and developers to take a service live  
  11. Facilitate workshops with diverse groups of clients and stakeholders. 


Measuring and evaluation  

  1. Defining key metrics and measurements for organisations to evaluate their impact, supporting them to use this data to iterate what they deliver  
  2. Evaluating the cost of a service delivery  


Designing organisations and propositions     

  1. Co-designing with our clients and communities to design new service models and value propositions, defining how organisations can re-organise themselves to deliver products and/or services 
  2. Taking research into actionable insights and communicating this in a succinct and human-centred way to stakeholders  
  3. Working with researchers and analysts to define unmet needs of people who may not use services, and defining how organisations can independently or collaboratively meet these needs  
  4. Analysing and directing on how organisations need to change to deliver more effective services  


Coaching and supporting organisations  

  1. Supporting teams and organisations to develop the cultural conditions, practices, and rituals to design user-centred services  
  2. Teaching organisations how to design better services, and providing coaching to develop these capabilities, outlining where this is best placed in an organisation  


Teamwork and daily practice  

  1. Keeping our projects on time and budget and reporting to our project directors and Head of Delivery  
  2. Working to the highest ethical and moral standards of research and design practice, promoting inclusive design practice at all levels of your work  
  3. Providing input and critical thought at our show and tells and design crits  
  4. Supporting the development of Snook’s internal processes and tools  
  5. Bring an optimistic and entrepreneurial mindset to our work, supporting directors to spot and enable new opportunities in the world  
  6. Having confidence and experience in the end-to-end journey of a project, from navigating sales through to end delivery  
  7. Having confidence in agile practice and language related to the design process  
