

  • Stay informed of business strategy and roadmaps by:
    • Interacting with business leaders and product owners ad-hoc and through scheduled meetings
    • Giving feedback on product PR FAQs
    • Actively participating in weekly product meetings
    • Actively participating in team roadmap reviews
    • Attending company all-hands meetings
    • Attending technology town-hall meetings
  • Stay informed of technology state and needs by:
    • Actively participating in sprint reviews
    • Actively participating in engineering leadership meetings
    • Reviewing project development through code review and ad-hoc delivery team meetings
    • Actively participating in the SRE Guild
    • Actively participating in the Security Guild
  • Develop architectural strategy, vision, and roadmaps collaboratively with business leaders and delivery teams
  • Communicate architectural strategy, vision, and roadmaps to the organization
  • Facilitate planning and execution of architectural roadmaps by:
    • Collaborating with teams on delivery
    • Acting as part product owner and part individual contributor on the Platform Engineering team
    • Monitor progress on architectural roadmap
  • Host architecture katas
  • Provide mentorship to engineers
  • Influence and participate in the technology interview process
  • Maintain standard repository of patterns and technologies for use across delivery teams, aka Paved Road
  • Facilitate solution discovery for the product team
  • Facilitate creation and review of product and tech specs
  • Participate in solution design and delivery ad-hoc

Top skills you need to have:

  • Experience with enterprise SaaS
  • 5+ years of experience at an absolute minimum but ideally 10 years of experience
  • CS or equivalent degree or equivalent experience
  • Experience working on multiple projects or with multiple teams
  • Working with senior engineering and product leadership
  • .NET, React, and Azure experience Nice to have


Any Gradute