
Job decription:

Very good understanding in designing and developing native mobile applications for Android
○ In-depth understanding of some of the core Android architecture components like Activity, Fragments, Services, Broadcast receivers etc
○ Strong knowledge of Android SDK, different versions of Android, and how to deal with different screen sizes.
○ Strong knowledge of Android Jetpack components such as Room, LiveData, ViewModel, and WorkManager.
○ Solid understanding of integrating RESTful APIs and third-party libraries in Android applications. ○ Solid understanding of mobile app deployment processes on Google Play Store, and familiarity with Google Play Console and Firebase console.
○ Strong coding skills in relevant programming languages such as Kotlin, and Java
○ Good understanding of software architecture patterns and principles such as SOLID principles, Clean Architecture, MVVM, MVI, or MVP
○ Solid understanding of Reactive programming like RxJava, Coroutine Flow, LiveData
○ Solid understanding of asynchronous programming like RxJava and/or Coroutines


Any Graduate