

Design and Develop Architecture for Various Software solutions On-Prem Private Cloud, Public Cloud like Amazon Web Services and Hybrid Cloud for Clients.

Experience in Architecting Solution on Amazon Web Services for applications adhering to Compliances like PCI, HIPAA, FERPA, SOX, and GLBA Data for financial data and health care PHI data.

Manage Offshore teams and Onsite resources for delivering multiple Cloud Migration projects and DevOps projects with Financial Clients and Health Care Clients.

Develop DevOps practices to realize the goals of effective collaboration, smoother operations, and cleaner code which involves Stakeholder Participation, Test driven infrastructure code development using Test Kitchen, Server Spec.

Integrated Configuration Management, Change Management and Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Application Monitoring and Automated Dashboards.

Develop Deployment Pipelines on to AWS for Linux architecture using Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Rundeck, AWS Cloud Formation, AWS SDK, Sparkle Formations and various other tools.

Develop Windows deployment pipelines for AWS migrations using Octopus Deploy, AWS Cloud Formations, Ansible, Troposphere and other tools.

Develop Serverless DevOps Automation frameworks using ChefSolo, Puppet apply, Ansible, S3 and Jenkins without Centralized Management Infrastructure like Chef Server or Puppet Master or Ansible Tower.

Expert level at Chef Development using Test Kitchen, Berkshelf, Kitchen-Ec2 while setting up development standards using lint.

Expert Level at writing Cloud Formation templates with nested resources.

Expert level at Powershell scripting for Windows Automation.





Bachelor's degree