


We are a rapidly growing technology start-up based in Hyderabad that works in the social development-oriented crowdfunding space. We are looking for a highly driven, self-motivated, skilled individual to manage, coordinate, and Operate WishwaTalks, which is a Weekly Webinar property hosted every Saturday, that is focused on gaining in-depth knowledge from the experts, on a wide range of topics that are pertinent to the current context.



Optimise digital marketing campaigns using measuring and analytics tools So what i am seeing is they want us to understand the website analytical tools

Content analytical tools

Enterprise analytical tools

Customer analytical tools

Usability analytical tools

A/B Testing analytical tools

Social media analytical tools

SEO analytics tools

2. Ad management

Optimise digital marketing campaigns using measuring and analytics tools

Creating a marketing strategy and plan

Building a high performing marketing team and ensuring effective coordination with other teams

Designing, planning and executing effective marketing campaigns in line with the plan & determining and implementing metrics to measure campaign effectiveness

Prepare and manage monthly, quarterly and annual budgets for the Marketing department

Set, monitor and report on team goal
