
Develop, test, manage and support CL3n, RAROC and CHET Application; remediate application security vulnerabilities and upgrade application to a higher and newer version; Debug and test codes using Postman for RESTful methods; Use JBoss-eap-6.4 and 7.1 as deployment server, Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery. Git, BitBucket and Nexus Repository for version control; Remediate library security vulnerabilities for several Commercial Lending CL3n APIs. Use Sonatype and Veracode for detecting and testing vulnerabilities during building and compiling period; Disable HTTPs transaction protocol using TLS1 and SSL. Make sure the Transport Layer Security version is 1.2 so that the CL3n APIs can work perfectly and safely with Salesforce developing platform; Support AMCB Maestro Release Team, Salesforce nCino developing team for application technique problems related to CL3n APIs side; Write Junit test cases for all applications. Use Mockito for SpringBoot controller and service layers mocking; Work for several different environment such as DEV, SIT, PAT and PROD for code testing and deploying. Use Storm and Putty to access different env application server to reboot or upgrade configuration details; Work for two internal single page Commercial Lending related application RAROC and CHET using Spring Boot for back end, Angular for front end and Hibernate for data acces


Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering