
If you are bullish about Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, entrepreneurship, teaching, education, continuous learning, personal growth, and emerging tech then I extend my invitation to share your professional journey with me as a co-founder of an AI education startup


AI ML etc. is a dedicated educational space for Senior IT professionals to learn AI + LLM easily and faster.


Problem we are trying to solve:

The major issues with existing AI courses are

- Spend initial time teaching Maths and Statistics

- Do not cover the latest topics like Large Language Models, Generative AI, LLM Agents etc.

- Long duration: 6 months to 1 year

- Do not cover management topics like - AI/ LLM Security, How to build AI teams, Regulations in AI, Real use cases of AI in businesses etc.


All existing courses were created keeping students and junior professionals in mind, as they mainly used to learn AI.


However, with new opportunities coming with AI, even Senior IT professionals want/ have to learn AI.


But their needs are different.


Students and junior professionals need to go deep, they need to do more hands-on and master the technology while senior professionals need to go wide.


Apart from understanding the technical part of AI, they also need to know the management part, like - security concerns, regulations, how to build an AI team, the costs involved, real use cases of AI in businesses etc.


And that is the reason, we are reimagining AI education for senior IT professionals and designing AI courses specifically for them to learn easier and faster.


Work so far:

Currently, we have designed 2 courses in the last 10 months

  • AI + LLM with coding
  • AI + LLM minus coding



We have 5 paid learners so far


Learnings regarding Startup co-founder

In my startup life and working with multiple people, I observed a few traits that make a good startup founding team, hence mentioning them. Please feel free to disagree.


Qualities that I admire

– You give more weight to execution than equity.

- You are looking to solve a problem in a mission mode and not just looking for another job

– You are willing to scale up your knowledge/ skills as fast as you dream of scaling up your startup

– You are in it for the long term; you should not have any intention of going back to a job or getting an early exit unless the situation demands so

– If you have not found a company earlier, you must have at least one story of courage so far

– You have respect for every stakeholder involved be it, clients, employees, vendors, partners, media, investors, etc


Monetary Compensation

As we are in the super early stage, there would be no fixed salary till we raise funding or become profitable. We could make some money from the sessions we organize or courses we would sell.

It is also equity - we will split the equity equally among all the co-founders


Things that don’t matter

– Your Qualifications/ college name/ work experience

– How much you used to earn earlier/ what positions you held in past

– How much you know about the startups, startup founders, and ecosystem


Good to have things

- Proficiency in AI, ML, LLM

- Experience/ Interest in teaching

– Worked with startup/s or founded a startup earlier

– Willing to learn any skill and scale up your skillset