
·        Conduct in-depth research and experimentation with state-of-the-art GenAI models for both open source and closed source, exploring various architectures, loss functions, regularization techniques, and training strategies.- 
·        Design and implement custom GenAI models tailored to specific domains and tasks, considering factors such as data type, structure, and desired output characteristics including accuracy and business benefits.- 
·        Optimize and fine-tune GenAI models to achieve high-quality, diverse, and visually appealing output. 
·        Experiment with techniques like progressive growing, self-attention mechanisms, or unsupervised learning to improve model performance.- Investigate and implement techniques for controlling the output of generative models, such as vectorized embeddings, conditional generation, style transfer, or interactive editing of generated samples.
·        Regularly analyze, evaluate, and retrain the GenAI models using quantitative metrics and qualitative assessments.
Continuously iterate on model architectures and training methodologies to enhance their robustness, generalization, and ability to capture


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