
Troubleshooting and Interpretive Skills: IT Technicians often have to interpret a problem and determine the best way to resolve it. This requires the use of critical thinking, as the IT Tech may need additional information that isn’t provided in order to satisfy the customer or employee.

Patience/Positive Attitude/Customer Service: IT Technicians work closely with their customers. Patience is necessary for this field. Often the clients don’t understand what is happening with their system and may not describe it properly. Patience will benefit the IT Tech in understanding the problem and working toward a solution.

Team/Customer Communication skills: Communicating with clients, supervisors and staff helps everyone to understand the problem and potential solutions. Clearly stating the situation, following through with emails and phone calls and sharing resolutions will make the process flow smoothly.

Endurance and Focus: Because IT Technicians can work long hours with complicated projects, the ability to stay focused on the objective is key. IT Techs may be involved in multiple things at once so the ability to prioritize and plan are a must. Organizational skills will help greatly in this area.

Improvement Opportunities: Be on the constant lookout to improve processes and make things better for both the technician, IT Support and DPC customers. Be proactive instead of reactive.


• OS Troubleshooting

• Computer Hardware troubleshooting

• Basic Network Troubleshooting

• Software Troubleshooting

• Software Installation/Uninstallation

• Computer OS Provisioning/Imaging

• Hardware Replacements

• Shop Manufacturing hardware/software troubleshooting

• Engaging in Project activities

• Preventative Maintenance

• Asset Management/Tracking

• 5S Workspace and Asset Storage Organization

• Ticket prioritization and management

• Ticket work log documentation of work and resolution

• Training in CUI and DoD ITAR regulations
