
What You’ll Contribute

Deploy a highly scalable Microservices platform based on Docker and AWS (Amazon Web Services) as the primary hosted environment.
Manage everything: from service code to infrastructure, from tools for logging management to the monitoring of the system.
Develop using languages such as Java, Python, Javascript or Bash; use Jenkins for our CI/CD pipelines (considering a migration to GitHub Actions).
Provide “Infrastructure as Code” automation via Ansible and CloudFormation. All the code is rigorously maintained and versioned in Git, with Jira as our Agile ticketing system and Confluence for our documentation.

What We’re Seeking

Experience with as many as possible of the following languages: Python, Javascript, Java, Bash.
Experience with Docker and Microservices.
Experience in version control using Git (or similar) - especially via CLI.

Good understanding of Cloud Networking concepts: VPCs, subnets, security groups, Network Firewalls, WAFs.

Good understanding of the Linux System and comfortable with command-line operations on Linux environments.
Good understanding of basic general networking concepts such as IPs, CIDRs, DNS, HTTPS, VPNs.
Experience working across a range of technical areas, including building, testing, delivering, maintaining scalable and resilient infrastructure… using the tools available.
Experience in debugging issues in a production environment and availability to provide support if required.
Drive innovation at all the levels (tools, infrastructure, development practices.).
Fluent English and excellent communication skills.

Our Offer to You

An inclusive culture strongly reflecting our core values: Act Like an Owner, Delight Our Customers and Earn the Respect of Others.
The opportunity to make an impact and develop professionally by leveraging your unique strengths and participating in valuable learning experiences.
Highly competitive compensation, benefits and rewards programs that encourage you to bring your best every day and be recognized for doing so.
An engaging, people-first work environment offering work/life balance, employee resource groups, and social events to promote interaction and camaraderie.


Any Graduate