
Component selection based on the design requirement (Micro controllers, Processor, OpAmps, ADCs, DACs, Transistors, MoSFETs, Voltage regulators, Power convertors, Communication circuit components, All semiconductors components in electronics etc

Knowledge on component selection criteria for electronic circuits

Component qualification testing in harsh environment like high temp, vibration and shock testing environments

Knowledge on high temp electronic components

Component failure modes and analysis and providing solution for design modification

Test circuit design and development for component qualification

Component sourcing details ,availability, lead time etc

Alternate component selection based on this existing design needs

Component Obsolescence management

Electronics components testing, qualification and failure mode analysis in these profiles

Here electronic components are semiconductor integrated circuits like micro controllers, Microprocessor, Transistors, MOSFETs, Op Amps, Voltage regulators, Client, DAC, CPLD, FPGA ,Dc-DC Convertors , Crystal oscillators,Memory ICs like NAND Flash, NOR Flash etc

The candidate should be familiar with all the electronic components testing, qualification and failure mode analysis

Any electronics test engineer / Sustenance engineer s are good enough for this

Customer won't consider technicians and assembly people


Bachelor's Degree