
Job Description-

GIS data for road centerlines and address/site location points is critical in the Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) architecture as defined in NENA i3 (NENA 08-003) standards. While our GIS data meets the requirements for the currently implemented 9-1-1 system, significant updates are needed to comply with the new standards

Scope of Work & Deliverables

The current 9-1-1 system uses only road centerlines for emergency vehicle routing. NG9-1-1 will continue to use road centerlines but will also route to specific addresses/site locations. To ensure accurate routing, the address/site location data must be enhanced to incorporate all the address/site locations in the County, for both residential and commercial.

After analyzing the data requirements and the current data, it has been determined that the following modifications/enhancements are needed in the road centerline and address/site location data to comply. NG9-1-1 requires new and modified roadways and addresses to be in the system within five days of the change or construction being completed. Currently, there is no method to identify these items, and corrections/modifications are only known when reported by county departments and municipalities. To meet the five-day requirement, processes must be developed to identify these changes before they occur. Being proactive instead of reactive will make these roads and addresses available for emergency vehicle routing as soon as they are open for traffic or occupied.

Deliverable - 1

The selected Bidder will collaborate with Department's Geospatial Technologies Data Management Team for no more than a two (2) weeks period to discover all the relevant business and technical requirements for this engagement. The selected Bidder will then produce a document (e.g., sprint release plan) detailing how the defined Deliverables under this RFQ will be delivered.

Deliverable - 2

The engagement is expected to deliver


  • an address dataset in an ArcGIS file geodatabase that is clean of errors contains no missing or incorrect addresses and with all required attributes;
  • a street dataset in an ArcGIS file geodatabase that is clean of errors contains no missing or incorrect streets, and with the required attributes.


An incremental delivery of both datasets is expected.


  • The selected Bidder must identify and update missing addresses/sites and roads using the data available from the Property Appraiser, Local Business Tax (occupational licenses), Certificates of Occupancy, and Building Permits.
  • The selected Bidder must digitize the missing or incorrectly located streets and addresses identified.
  • The selected Bidder must update the missing or incorrect attributes of existing streets and addresses identified.
  • The selected Bidder must identify and update the addresses/sites that are too far from the street. This will also include digitizing driveways if the address point cannot be moved closer to the street.
  • The selected Bidder must coordinate with different Departments and municipal to identify new roadway construction and construction to existing roadways that affect the flow of traffic.
  • The selected Bidder must follow a quality control/quality assurance process to ensure that incorrect data is not introduced to the production data for roads and addresses/sites.
  • The selected Bidder should conduct field research as needed.


Minimumu Qualification Required

The selected Bidder must meet the following criteria as demonstrated by providing verifiable references indicating satisfaction with each requirement:


  • Experience with GIS editing using ArcGIS tools.
  • Experience with data quality control procedures.
  • Experience editing point addresses in an ArcGIS environment.
  • Experience editing street centerline for addressing in an ArcGIS environment.
  • Experience working with state and local government organizations.
  • Successful completion of a project that included NENA requirements for addressing.
  • Successful completion of a project that included similar address and street editing requirements.
  • Successful completion of a project that included integration with multiple address data sources.


The selected Bidder’s team, as further defined below, must have experience with ArcGIS technologies with proven experience in data editing using the tools stated below. A single member of the team may be used to meet the qualification requirement. All qualifications shall be demonstrated via resumes provided for the project team.


  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Data Reviewer
  • ArcGIS file geodatabase


Any Graduate