


GitHub is changing the way the world builds software, and we want you to help build GitHub. We're looking for a few mobile engineers to join a passionate, collaborative, distributed group of engineers on our team.


The GitHub Mobile ( team is changing the way that developers across the world collaborate on GitHub through native Android and iOS apps. Launched in March 2020, GitHub Mobile is one of our fastest growing products. The team is looking for someone who is passionate about the iOS platform and who will help us build a world-class app in design, performance, and accessibility.


Come join the team and influence the future of GitHub for mobile!


Stack: The iOS app is built with Swift and uses Apollo to communicate with GitHub GraphQL APIs.



A day in the life of an iOS Engineer


Our team is distributed worldwide which means we work asynchronously most of the time. Your typical week would include:


- Brainstorming on architecture and product decisions with the team. It's a small team, everyone's input matters!

- Building new features that will simplify people's workflows

- Collaborating with Android and backend engineers to create a unified product

- Jamming on pixels with designers to propose new ideas or issue feedback

- Testing the app at bug bashes to ensure we're shipping a high quality product




Required Qualifications:

  • Several years experience as a software engineer
  • Experience developing iOS apps and distributing them through the App Store
  • Experience with Git and GitHub
  • Experience in Swift, UIKit, or SwiftUI
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience


Preferred Qualifications:

  • A personal iPhone and/or iPad. We are looking for someone who is familiar with the platform and even a fan of it!
  • Familiarity with the iOS Human Interface Guidelines
  • Knowledge of design, testing, and debugging best practices
  • High degree of empathy
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Ability to learn and think critically about both system design and software engineering concepts and blend those perspectives pragmatically based on project needs


Any Graduate