
Job Description:

(1) Foundational Visibility: Instrumentation Architecture and Telemetry

(2) Proactive Team Tactics: Business Aligned Alerting Architecture

(3) Discovering Trends: Advanced Analytics and Data Visualization

(4) Data Metrics/Representation through building dynamic dashboards

(5) Make every effort to resolve any outstanding support tickets, address misconceptions of platform limitations, and enable all New Relic practitioners to deliver more substantial results in a timelier fashion.

(6) Provide recommendations that enable the team to forego making common mistakes incurred by unassisted customer such as, but not limited to: lack of use of globally defined standards or naming conventions, not establishing clearly defined/documented standard operating procedures across New Relic functions like alerting, agent configuration, agent deployment, agent updates, etc., and lack of use of automation for consistency and scalability.

(7)Enable teams to identify key business metrics, for visualization, analytics and reporting with an emphasis on correlating workload performance to business impact.


Primary Skills: New Relic, data analysis, IT requests, standard operating procedure, impact studies, telemetry




Any Gradute