
Guidewire PolicyCenter; Java API Management & Microservices; PolicyCenter / WMB / ETL integration
Plus 8% bonus target

one of the world's largest IT Services and consulting firms, is seeking a Guidewire PolicyCenter Technical Lead to join its BFSI team in North America.

The candidate should have a minimum of 10 years of experience GWPC V10.0 and above. Should be able to demonstrate thorough abilities and/or a proven record of success as a team leader utilizing the following:
Guidewire PolicyCenter, BillingCenter, ClaimCenter and ContactManager, including leading related project teams;
GOSU, Guidewire Event and Rules Framework and object oriented programming;
JAVA scriptwriting, emphasizing hosting and consuming web services that leverage Java;
Web service hosting and consuming, using Guidewire studio toolkits;
XML Coding; and,
ANT, MAVEN and code repository such as Clear Case, SVN, TFS.

Responsibilities include:
Develop scalable and robust Guidewire Solution Strategies in Cloud landscape
Develop solutions based on common issues facing clients in all lines of the P&C Industries
Provide technical oversight and solution overview for the PolicyCenter Tech stack for CLT - Establish/refine/govern across portfolio
Ensure the quality, accuracy, and relevance of your work and that of your peers through diligent review
Fostering mentorship and facilitating the professional development of junior team members will be essential.

At least 10 years of relevant experience
Bachelor's Degree in a related field
Professional Certified in Guidewire PolicyCenter
Experience in implementing PolicyCenter for Commercial Insurance
Experience in PolicyCenter deployed in Self-Managed Cloud
