
Job Description

A gov't agency in Tallahassee, FL is searching for a Project Manager. The candidate must possess, at minimum, the following qualifications, and experience.


At least four years of statutory requirements and policy development, implementation, and coordination experience.

At least six years of experience in the development of Strategic Planning.

At least six years of experience in presentations to senior management.

At least eight years of experience in the composition and reviewing of grant applications on processes, services, and other initiatives.

At least 3 years of Senior Management experience

Contractor will provide a Project Manager, 1 Team Leader to the Department throughout the purchase order term that will perform the following tasks in the time and manner

At the direction of the Department, provide ongoing technical assistance and Subject Matter Expert support in the establishment, expansion or maintenance of Bureau of Emergency Medical

Operations (BEMO) programs and projects

At the direction of the Department, supplement BEMO management capacity as needed to maximize programmatic outputs for federal grant and/or state programs throughout the purchase order term

At the direction of the Department, develop updated process and milestone timeline for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) grants program by 9/30/25

At the direction of the Department, provide ongoing consultation and recommendations in the development of strategies relating to improving accountability and program outputs for BEMO programs, grant activities and projects

At the direction of the Department, provide recommendations and assist in the design and ongoing development of the Community Paramedicine (CP)/Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) "Model Communities Project

At the direction of the Department, assist in the completion of internal reporting and compliance activities relating to the BEMO Public Health Infrastructure projects throughout the purchase order term

At the direction of the Department, assist the BEMO leadership team in overseeing the development and accountability of the EMS Center contract deliverables with the University of South Florida