
QA Provider/Manager - Onsite(Lacey, WA)

[Lacey, WA, 98503] |   2024-03-22 03:35:21

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Job Code : WA005

Hello Associates,

*** Greetings from My3tech ***

Role: QA Provider

Location: Lacey,WA(Onsite)

Duration: Long-term
Client: Washington State Gambling Commission

Scope of Work:

Any work order resulting from this work request is for Works for Hire agreement; any
documents or work products created, developed, or modified are not copyrighted, not
proprietary, and can be reproduced and/or modified by GMB at GMB discretion.
The QA provider is responsible for all activities and deliverables required by OCIO, including:
1. Reports:
a. Baseline quality assurance plan, including at a minimum:
i. Methods and criteria to be used in conducting the QA engagement and
assessing practice areas noted in item 2 below; and
ii. The timing and audience for draft and final reports and the template(s) for
the ongoing report
b. Updated readiness assessment with an emphasis on requirements review
c. Regular QA report
i. Each report must assess at a minimum:
1. Assessment of overall project performance
2. Variances on scope, schedule, and budget
3. Key practice areas/domains that align with project management
methodology and industry best practices such as:
a. Overall health – Over the life of the project, are effective
project management processes being used and coordinated
within the project and with all project participants to
achieve desired results?
b. Scope – Does the project include an approach to managing
scope to ensure the project success?
c. Schedule – Is the project effectively managing the timely
completion of the project?
d. Budget – Is the project routinely estimating, budgeting,
managing, and controlling costs so that the project can be
completed successfully?
e. Quality and business outcomes– Is the project defining
quality measures and continuously improving processes to
achieve project outcomes?
f. Team – Is the project acquiring, developing, and managing
appropriately skilled and adequately staffed project teams?
g. Communications and Stakeholders - Is the team identifying
stakeholders (people, groups, or organizations) that could
impact/be impacted by the project? Is the project using
appropriate strategies to engage stakeholders and
supporting timely, appropriate, and accessible
communications over the project’s life?
Exhibit C – Scope of Work
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Gambling Commission Quality assurance provider
h. Governance, escalation, and decision-making: Does the
project have effective and engaged executive leadership and
governance structure? Does the team follow established
escalation process and work with project leaders to timely
decision making for project success?
i. Risk, Issues, Action items, and Decisions – Is the project
effectively identifying, analyzing, and controlling project
risks and issues? Does the project have an effective process
to manage action items and decisions?
j. Procurement and vendor management - Is the project
appropriately managing the acquisition of products, services
or results needed from outside the project team? Is the
project effectively managing the resulting contracts over the
life of the contract?
k. Training and business readiness – Is the project actively
managing organization, user, and stakeholder readiness to
effectively adopt, use and realize intended benefits? Are
appropriate training, outreach, and reinforcement
frameworks in place?
l. Deliverables (if in scope of work) – Has the project
established acceptance criteria for deliverables that the
deliverables are following and adhering to? Do deliverables
align with industry best practice and overall project goal in
achieving planned objectives?
4. As work progresses, regular assessments must also focus on the
current phase of the project and include discussion on transition
and operational planning and readiness activities, including
planned governance following implementation and answer the
a. Overall health – Over the life of the project, are effective
project management processes being used and coordinated
within the project and with all project participants to
achieve desired results?
ii. Each report must include the following:
1. A cover letter signed by the QA provider responsible for the content
that attests to the independent preparation of the report. The cover
letter should also contain contact information of the preparer.
2. An executive summary of project progress, execution strengths and
weaknesses, and the most significant issues, risks or open
3. A detailed narrative describing findings and recommendations
resulting from a review of the project management processes. If the
project is nearing a stage/gate, indicate whether the project is
positioned to be successful in this next stage/gate.
4. An assessment of the accuracy of the project’s tracking of progress
toward milestones and budget estimates.
Exhibit C – Scope of Work
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Gambling Commission Quality assurance provider
5. A risk assessment that identifies potential barriers to meeting
project objectives and milestones, their probability of occurring and
impact if they occur, and recommended and observed mitigations.
6. An indicator suggesting the trend whether the risk in each of the
assessment areas is increasing, decreasing or remains the same.
Allowable shorthand symbol and definitions:
a. Risk is decreasing.
b. Risk is increasing.
c. Risk is the same.
7. A table that summarizes all open findings as well as those closed
during the reporting period, including the QA provider’s assessment
of the agency’s actions on the listed findings.
d. Closeout report – within 30 days of project completion, the QA provider will report
on key lessons learned from the project.
2. Required activities:
a. Independently deliver draft and final QA reports, including findings and
recommendations, to the project Executive Sponsor and to the State CIO or their
b. Make QA reports available to the project Steering Committee and provide regular
and routine briefings at the project steering committee meetings.
c. Independently post all final QA reports on the State CIO’s Project Dashboard
website within two (2) working days of delivery.
3. If requested by GMB, provide QA reports or briefings to external oversight and/or
authorizing entities.
4. Additional reports/activities as required by OCIO

Required Experience:

  1. Six years of recent (within the last 10 years) experience performing the required QA activities on a project with $2 million or more total project planned spend.


  1. A combination of prior QA or PM experience totalling at least six years in the past 10 years that includes:
  • Experience successfully performing the QA activities outlined in the    Minimum Project Quality Assurance Activities Standard on a project with $2M or more total project planned spend.


  • Experience as a lead or deputy project manager providing successful project management services on information technology (IT) projects of similar or greater size, risk, and complexity when compared to the project being undertaken.

Desired experience:

  1. More than six years of recent (within the last 10 years) experience performing the required QA activities on a project with $5 million or more total project planned spend.
  2. Previous public sector project management experience on multiple large-scale projects.
  3. At least one year of experience performing the required QA activities on a project under OCIO oversight.
  4. Subject matter expertise related to this project.

Key Skills

Any Graduate