
Strong Experience in GitLab, Jenkins and Groovy ***
CICD- skill set: UNIX/LINUX O.S. , GIT and GitHub,Jenkins/GitLab,
ANT/Maven/Gradle/Nexus and Junits.
SonarQube, HPFortify, CAST and NexusIQ Code scan.
Cucumber and selenium.
Pipeline as code (PAC).
Python, YAML and JSON and Groovy Scripting for Jenkins.
Splunk and Dynatrace.

AWS skill set: AWS global infrastructure, AWS VPC, networking, AWS Internet gateway, Elastic Load Balancer , security groups, subnet’s and routing tables, AWS Architecture,IAM, S3,Elastic Block Store, Elastic File System ,Elastic Beanstalk, Lambdas, Step Functions, AWS Lambda Layers, EC2, RDS, Dynamo DB, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation template, AWS SNS, AWS SQS , AWS CloudFront, Route 53 and AWS Secrets Manager.

Containerization Skill set:
ECR, ECS/EKS, Docker, Kubernetes


Any Graduate