
Required qualifications

•               +5 years' experience in Murex Support & Projects

•               Murex technical specialist. Knowledge in services, modules and installations

•               Generic knowledge of financial products.

•               Murex version 3.1

•               Knwoledge Murex platform:

-               Distribution of primary and secondary services.

-               GOM: Organization, permissions, users ...

-               Processes and EOD sequence.

-               DataMart

-               Installation and version upgrades.

•               Specific Murex Módules:

-               MxMLExchange.

-               MDRS - RTBS

-               MLC

-               Market Risk Module (MRB - MRA)

-               Murex DataMart

-               Mx-LDAP

-               EtradPad

-               Hedge Accouting

•               Database's

-               Oracle. Access. PostGreeSQL

•               Programming languages

-               Unix Shells Script (KornShell, Bash…)

-               Java

-               SQL, PLSQL.

-               XML

-               Python

•               DevOps

-               Jira, Jenkins, Git, Confluence

-               Advisable MxConfig, MxTest, MxPipeLine

•               Cloud

-               AWS and Azure

•               Others

-               ServiceNow

-               Planification and processes automation platform: ControlM

•               Languages

-               English high level

-               Spanish nice to have



Any Graduate