

Delivering a high-quality application 

Integrating with front-end developers  

Ensuring a required level of performance 

Writing test-backed server-side code 

Analyzing requirements and designing new functionality 

Supporting and fixing existing functionality 

Selecting and using the most appropriate and efficient technologies for a particular application 

Debugging the application 


8+ Years of experience 

Experience of developing on the Sitecore platform (working knowledge of Sitecore 9.2 is required) 

Ability to conduct code reviews of internal team or vendors’ work 

Experience building, inspecting, and managing deployments using Azure DevOps 

Experience in working with Solr Search 

Experience in Sitecore JSS, Headless CMS, Sitecore MVC and or/Helix Architecture 

Experience using Glass, Synthesis, or another ORM Mapper/Wrapper for Sitecore 

Experience using TDS and/or Unicorn for tracking Sitecore item changes 

.Net Framework, Visual Studio, C#, ASP.NET , WCF, Web API/REST Services. 

HTML5, CSS, JSON, XML, AJAX, JavaScript, and Sitecore-Content Auth Delivery Setup 
